20-1000 nm

Author: Nanofcm     Date: March 4, 2021


  •  Unagglomerated and monodisperse,Sizes from 20–1000 nm,Provided in solution at  109-1014 particles /mL

NanoFCM silica nanospheres are monodisperse with diameters 20 nm and up. Other sizes, surfaces (e.g. sulfhydryl) and larger quantities  are available as a custom request. Please contact us for pricing on custom particles or larger quantities.

NanoFCM™ Silica Nanospheres Cocktail #1

Catalog Number: S16M-Exo,Diameter: 68~155 nm

The NanoFCMTM Silica Nanospheres Cocktail #1 contains a mixture of silica nanospheres of four different diameters ranging from 68 to 155 nm, the sizes are 68 ± 2 nm, 91 ± 3 nm, 113 ± 3 nm, and 155 ± 3 nm. This cocktail is specialized for size distribution analysis of exosomes.

NanoFCM™ Silica Nanospheres Cocktail #3

 Catalog Number: S17M-MV,Diameter: 155~850 nm

The NanoFCMTM Silica Nanospheres Cocktail #3 contains a mixture of silica nanospheres of four different diameters ranging from 155 to 850 nm, the sizes are 155 ± 3 nm, 298 ± 6 nm, 535 ± 7 nm, and 850 ± 5 nm. This cocktail is specialized for size distribution analysis of microparticles.